Don’t Be Troubled or Afraid

There is so much happening from day to day that can leave us in a constant state of worry. We look at the news, and the bad definitely outweigh the good in the stories being reported. At our jobs, it is a constant expectation to do more with less - less help, less hours, less money. The circumstances that present themselves can weigh on us and feel as though it is completely out of our control. Yet, God’s word continues to tell us throughout that He has given us peace. What would be the need for peace if their wasn’t something happening giving us the need for peace. Throughout God’s word, He tells us because of the world we live in, we will experience trouble (John 16:33). It doesn’t say we may, it says we will. Yet and still, He tells us very clearly to not be troubled or afraid. Instead, have peace.

John 14:27, NLT

“I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

This peace is not shaken by circumstances we may face. This peace is not a gift of the world, but a gift from the Lord. Because of that, we cannot allow the world to take it away. The best way I have learned to do this is to not try to figure it out. For so long, I have been the type to “figure it out”. If something does not work out as expected, I’ll continue to stress about it until I “figure it out”. If it was something I couldn’t figure out, I continued to worry and stress. We should find joy in knowing that is not God’s intention. His intention is for us to trust Him completely. With that, we are able to have peace in the storm knowing that our thoughts are not His thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). Knowing that He will causes everything to work for our good (Romans 8:28).

Proverbs 3:5-6, NLT

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”

The more we trust God, the more our circumstances will not cause us to be tossed to and from by the winds of life (Matthew 7:24). We will be able to stand firm in God and have a peace beyond all understanding in the midst of storm. In the midst of life’s craziness, we are tempted to see the situation through our own eyes. It’s challenging to have faith when every thing you see and feel in your natural body is screaming “this is wrong”. This is why we have to lean in and completely trust in God. Leaning into our own understanding, only allows us to see the world as it is. Only seeing things through the natural is limiting us. This is because we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world (Ephesians 6:12). I know that is a lot to process for some. Especially if you are new to your walk with Christ, but it something that we must be very much aware of. The trials you face, the things that happen to you that you feel is purposely trying to knock you off track are real. The enemy knows if he can distract you with the noise of the world, you will completely lose sight of your true purpose. If he can cause you to not move on the things God has placed in your heart due to fear and worry, he has succeeded in stopping God’s work through you. That’s his entire agenda. It’s not to make your life miserable, it’s to stop the work of God. God tells us instead of being concerned of the things of this world, completely focus on and seek the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). He tells us not to worry. If He is supplying for the birds, don’t you believe He will do the same and more for you?

Matthew 6: 25-27, NLT

“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life - whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father fees them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?”


God we thank you for all that you are. We know there is none like you. We thank you that even in the midst of chaos, you continue to be faithful. We ask that you help us when we are in the midst of the storm. Help us to keep our eyes on you. Just as Peter was able to do the impossible and walk on water as long as he kept his eyes on you. We ask that you help us to do the impossible and focus on you instead of the circumstance. We speak against fear. We speak against worry. We trust you. We are relying on you. We desire to follow you and your plan for our lives in every way. Give us clear guidance. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!


Take Action! Don’t Overcomplicate It.