Take Action! Don’t Overcomplicate It.

Have you ever had a thought to do something in an effort to be extremely productive, but you spent the majority of the time after that thought telling yourself you don’t have the time to do it? This happens to me often with so many small things. Washing my hair. I look at my hair for a couple of days before I wash it to hype myself up. Meal prepping. I think about the process of cooking all of the food for a while before I do it, if I do it. Then those moments that I do actually talk myself out of meal prepping, I’m spending extra time in the week struggling to get meals on the table each night. A lot of times, the time it takes to talk ourselves out of something is the same amount of time or more than the time needed to take action. Instead of doubting ourselves and hesitating out of fear, we have to take action.

Proverbs 14: 23, NLT

“Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty!”

I’m also a planner. Because of this, I may spend a lot of time planning my next steps and then over-processing when it’s actually time to take the step. This then leads to me going back to my planning stage and now also planning for what I have over-processed in my head. God’s word tells us that work brings profit, but just talk leads to poverty. This mean that talking is not enough. We have to get out of our own heads regarding the work that God has assigned to us.

Ephesians 2: 10, NLT

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things planned for us long ago.”

Throughout God’s word, He reminds us that He created us. This verse in particular says we are His masterpiece. Not just something put together and put to the side. A masterpiece is defined as a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship. God was intentional when He created each of us because He created each of us with a purpose in mind. A purpose that He himself had planned for us long before we were even conceived. When you think about it like that, you can be reassured that God did not make a mistake with you. Even the things you see as flaws are areas that God want to show you His strength in your life. Instead of focusing on what may happen or what could happen, focus on the promises of God for what will happen if you just move!

We can no longer spend time planning for the unknown. We must follow God’s lead and take one step at a time. Placing one foot in front of the other. What I have learned, is my imagination can run wild if I allow it. I can cause myself to waste time thinking in circles of all the things that may happen. I can think myself out of doing something that I know I should be doing all because of fear. BUT…when I focus on God’s word, I am reassured every time that there is nothing too big or too small for Him (Luke 1:37). He loves me so much He knows the hairs on my head (Luke 12:7). Because God loves me, I am never alone, and He will never abandon me (Deuteronomy 31:8). Instead of overcomplicating your next step into the vision God has placed in your heart, know that you are already equipped and God is forever with you. Make your move of faith and take action!


God we thank you for the amazing God that You are. We will forever praise Your name. We come to You right now leaning on Your word and Your promises. We thank You for the vision that You have placed within us. We thank you for the intentionality in the way You created us. We ask that You help us to lean on You like never before. In the moments of doubt and fear, Holy Spirit bring back the words of God to our remembrance. Allow us to always remember that You are all things good and lovely. Whatever does not align with that is not of You. Continue to give us clarity and boldness as we walk out Your will for our lives. We love you! In Jesus name we pray, Amen!


Don’t Be Troubled or Afraid


Be in Health